USM Faculty Jazz Ensemble Presents: The Music of Thelonious Monk

The USM Faculty Jazz Ensemble Presents:
The Music of Thelonious Monk

University of Southern Maine School of Music

Executive Producer
Alan Kaschub

Gary Wittner
Chris Oberhotlzer
Marty Lawson

Compositions By:
Thelonious Monk
1. Thelonious
2. Evidence
3. Criss Cross
4. Reflections
5. Monk’s Dream
6. Bye Ya
7. Think of One
8. Work
9. Ugly Beauty
Words By: Betsy Sholl
10. Rhythm-a-ning

All Songs Performed By The USM Faculty Jazz Ensemble

Gary Wittner
Chris Oberholtzer
Les Harris Jr
Bronislaw Suchanek
Chris Klaxton
Barry Saunders

Audio Technicians:
Blaine Bickford
David Hession
Mel D’Anci

Mix/Mastering Technician:
David Hession

Director of Photography & Editor:
Marty Lawson

Special Thanks:
Christenia Alden-Kinne
Binney Brackett
Lori Arsenault

Season Advertisers:
Bowdoin Interational Music Festival
North Yarmouth Academy
Opera Maine
Portland Chamber Music Festival
Portland Conservatory
Junction Bowl
Gorham House of Pizza

Gottlieb, William P., 1917-, photographer.

[Portrait of Thelonious Monk, Howard McGhee, Roy Eldridge, and Teddy Hill, 

Minton's Playhouse, New York, N.Y., ca. Sept. 1947]

Thelonious Monk, Dizzy Gillespie, and Gerald Wilson. 

Thelonious Monk, Gerald Wilson Dizzy Gillespie, 

Jim Marshall Photographer 

Time Magazine Cover 1948 
Boris Chaliapin Cover Artist

Thelonious Monk 
Criss Cross Live
Thelonious Monk 
Shaw Nuff Live Recording 
Thelonious Monk
 Just a Giggalo Live

Recorded at
University of Southern Maine School of Music
Corthell Hall, Gorham Maine
Gary Wittner, 2021, All rights reserved. Gary/Guitar pictures used by permission. Photographer - Pepe Avilés.